Friday: Moving Day

So, I knew blogging would not be easy, and it would invariably take up a bit of time. but what I didn't know was exactly how long my motivation would last. I was determined to write a post on something design related by Wednesday (two days ago), obviously that did not happen. It seems a little more difficult to write a blog on design. Why is it so much easier for me to write about running than on what I do day in and day out? I finally came to the recognition that I was fearful of other designers and creative types judging me, criticizing me. Running is just a hobby, I am not aiming at being the best, it wouldn't be possible. I am fine with that. But design, that's my bread and butter. Here I feel like I might I might actually have something to lose. What if people find out I know nothing about design or even worse, have poor taste? Then what? What am I to do? How will I pay my rent?

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