Print Party Like It's 1999

A few weeks ago the office I work for moved from Culver City to El Segundo. Though I have only been with the company for almost 2 years, they had been in that space for over a decade. So, you can imagine what packing up consisted of. In this process, the marketing/media director rediscovered his old collection of Print and Communication Arts magazines. He offered up what he didn't want to pack up with him to the designers and creative department. It was hard to see a lot of good print go in the recycle bin. And one cover in particular caught my eye. It was the 1999 cover of Print magazine. I had to have it and share it. It's a classic!  


Friday: Moving Day

So, I knew blogging would not be easy, and it would invariably take up a bit of time. but what I didn't know was exactly how long my motivation would last. I was determined to write a post on something design related by Wednesday (two days ago), obviously that did not happen. It seems a little more difficult to write a blog on design. Why is it so much easier for me to write about running than on what I do day in and day out? I finally came to the recognition that I was fearful of other designers and creative types judging me, criticizing me. Running is just a hobby, I am not aiming at being the best, it wouldn't be possible. I am fine with that. But design, that's my bread and butter. Here I feel like I might I might actually have something to lose. What if people find out I know nothing about design or even worse, have poor taste? Then what? What am I to do? How will I pay my rent?

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