Runner/Cyclist vs Car

Runner's World is a great resource of mine. Especially while I am recovering from some knee and heal injuries. Today, I ran across this on their site, and despite it being a cycling graphic, I thought it was great for anyone who out exercising among those in their automobiles. And while I would love to write a commentary on the fight between car and bike, I will restrain myself with only one comment: Person in the car, we are not looking for a fight. You are in a car, we are on a bike. You WILL WIN. And thought that might sound nice at first, it won't be for you, your drivers license or your insurance. Just keep that in mind, next time you want to hit one of us, cyclist or runner.

These are some great ideas and alternatives to my standard "give 'em the ole bird." My personal two favorites are starred. I might actually try the "call me" one, just to see what they do.

What do you do when confronted with a rude driver? Have any other great ideas? Happy Sweating.



I am not a huge fan of Valentine's day. Mainly because I was single for so long and it just seemed to bring me and all my single gals down. Last year was one of the first times I celebrated it with a bf I truly love with all my heart. I will admit it was special. Along with a romantic meal at Ado in Venice, I even managed to DIY his gift based after this lovely etsy shop by sarah & bendrix (except mine was white and red). I really love how it came out. And it's really a piece of art you can display year round!

But this February 14th will be pretty low key. Not big dinner out, no big gift or celebration. We like to celebrate each other everyday. So, this year I will be focusing on friends and family on Valentine's Day to make sure they know how luck I feel I am to have them in my life.

Although I know many many of you do celebrate it. And I thought this etsy shop by Tenisha was just to adorable to not share.

Here's to a having a happy heart day!