Laptop Lovin

So I finally broke down last month and got a new laptop for my new fulltime freelance self. I haven't bought a new computer since 2005. Sheesh! What a treat! Needless to say, when you buy a new laptop you, and by you I mean myself, always forget to buy a case for it. I mean you gotta protect such a piece of art, right? Right.

So, I went to Staples and tried to find one that would fit. Let me tell you, not the easiest task for a 17 inch laptop. I went straight home and I did some due diligence. I thought I would share my findings.

1 / 2 /3 & 4 / 5 / 6

Ok, now, I'm back. For Real.

Anyone who has ever said blogging is easy couldn't be any further from the truth. I have had a stressful couple of weeks. And things are finally feeling like they will get back on track this week. I thought I would start with a recap on what I have been up to.

A month ago I officially started freelancing as a graphic/web designer. Talk about difficult. It's great in some many ways, and I have never been happier. But when life calls, aka family emergencies, it's a lot easier to tell your employer hey I am taking a few days off. Rather than to try to fit a trip from one coast to another while trying to maintain a full freelance schedule. In other words, that means you will be working weekends and most likely will not get a full day off.

1.Said goodbye to being someone' employee.

2. Said hello to new clients

3. Ate a real Maine "Lob-stah" in New Hampshire

4. Visited the boyfriends's hometown

5. Three days later visited my hometown, Palm Springs then out through Idyllwild

It was not the ideal start to my freelance career, but nonetheless I was super busy and that my friends is Never a bad thing.

So now I have a huge laundry list of things I need and want to get done this week and for the rest of the year. It's a lot and I really hope to push through it. I have a great feeling it will be a really rewarding year.

Happy Monday!

Thursday Thanks ::: 3 :::

Oh gosh! I almost forgot to do my Thursday Thanks.... again! But I remembered. So, this week, I am most thankful for having great connections and resources. I have been super proactive this week and am seeing some real results. Yay!

And last but not least, thanks to my weekly Otis Letterpress class. It's a fun group and I am learning a great new skill. Tonight I can't decide what to print, more metal type or go digital for the first time? And then, the Real question is: where will a press fit in my apartment...??? Hmmmm....
