Thursday Thanks ::: 3 :::

Oh gosh! I almost forgot to do my Thursday Thanks.... again! But I remembered. So, this week, I am most thankful for having great connections and resources. I have been super proactive this week and am seeing some real results. Yay!

And last but not least, thanks to my weekly Otis Letterpress class. It's a fun group and I am learning a great new skill. Tonight I can't decide what to print, more metal type or go digital for the first time? And then, the Real question is: where will a press fit in my apartment...??? Hmmmm....


Thursday Thanks ::: 2 :::

I realized yesterday with that post from yesterday that I forgot to to my Thursday Thanks. Silly me. I am so thankful for my family and friends. Even more specifically my mom and boyfriend. They are most definitely two rocks in my life. Without them I just might not make it. They cheer for me in hard times and laugh with me in the good. Thankfully there's a Lot more laughing!

1. Davidson Basketball game // 2.  Mint Museum in Charlotte // 3. Building furniture for my new Venice Studio // 4. Nap time on the floor

5. Annual Moonlight Beach Trip // 6. Riding at Mom's Ranch in Palm Spring (aka my childhood home) // 7. Annual UCLA game at the Rose Bowl //  8. Customary carb load before my first LA Marathon