It's been awhile since I shared an update on my 30 before 30 list. And the big day is coming up faster that I realized. A lot has happened this year!
• The first thing is that I finally got my portfolio up! Yey! And it's perfect timing because as soon as I did that I actually ended up going freelance. Perfect timing, right?
• I am working on crossing a few new things off my list: reading more, meditating more, taking more pictures (thanks instagram!) and writing more handwritten notes.
• Lastly, the mister and I are moving in together in a month! Eeeexciting! But, I am sad to say that because of the new lease agreement, my number 1 on the list, getting a dog, is not looking like it's going to happen before September, since we can't have pets in the new place. But someday...
More to come.