I'm Back!

Well HELLOOOO there! Let me preface this with a huge, I’m so sorry. For the small audience that I may still have. Yes, it's been over a year, 16 months to be more exact. And all this despite a 2013 AND 2014 resolution I had to blog more (or at all).

I know. I know.

Needless to say, a LOT has happened since then. I will make this first blog post in 16 months a brief recap of what has happened and why I took a small hiatus from the blog.

First things first, and the main reason I stopped blogging, I got a dog. My first very own dog as an adult. Mine, all mine. Well, and my boyfriend's too. I can share. But he likes me best. His name is Bodee. Nope, not after the olympic skier or Point Break, but rather, an ode to The Wire (what can I say, I was watching that at the time we got him).

He’s such a funny dog, neurotic, just like his owner.

Yep, he’s a pit-mix.

We rescued him, from the wonderful people at Much Love in Santa Monica.

When we decided to start looking at rescues, we researched so many out here him Los Angeles. He was the first dog we saw, at the first place we looked.

We never stood a chance.

Now, I have a small understanding of why people think their babies and kids are the cutest. Yep, I have the cutest dog out there. Don’t you?

This won’t be the last time I post pictures of him here, or on Instagram. Sorry, if you want to unfollow me. I will be sad. But I understand. Not really, but I will try.

Second, I got engaged. August 3rd of last year, my boyfriend Russ proposed to me on a long weekend trip to Del Mar, CA. Yes. I cried. We are getting married in November of this year, in a very small ceremony. I will try my hardest to blog about the process along the way. I tried to do it on my own for awhile then decided to have a day-of-coordinator, then after some research and many meetings with many different wedding planners, I now have an a full-time wedding coordinator, Emilia, of Sweet Emilia Jane. She is my saviour!

Third, we took our annual “big trip” to Spain last year. It was the longest I had taken of from work. It was nerve-wracking to be gone for so long, but so wonderful to travel. Yes, I will post about this too.

Fourth, I ran my 4th marathon and first New York Marathon in 2013! Hands down, the best marathon experience I have ever had. Also, clocked in at the largest marathon ever recorded. It was amazing, oh yeah, and it was a personal best! Unfortunately, I injured my left hip during training and made a contentious decision to continue training and run it. I have been in physical therapy for two months and just now am getting back into running. Last week was the first time I ran on it since the marathon in November of last year. It was only for 1.5 miles. But I will take what I can get! And know I will be back on the road in no time. Still worth every day of pain. If you love to run, the ING New York Marathon is a must! I love NY!

Fifth, I most recently, went from being a graphic designer on the marketing team at TrueCar, to the newest member of our UX (User Experience) team. So I am now a UX Designer. I am super pumped for the newest design challenge. So far, so great!

Lastly, yes, I promise to finish posting about our incredible trip to Japan in Christmas of 2012…

Thanks for being so patience and hanging in there. Keep staying tuned. I’m baaaaack!