Today's Tunes

I wrote 5 pages on my health journey, going WAY back to high school (yeah, it's been a minute). I intended to share it with you today. Unfortunately, I am still working on it. It's just not quite there yet. I will post it next week. Promise. In the meantime, I had to share something that inspired me today. I feel like any day is a great day to share inspiration.

I listen to KCRW a lot.

Like...A. Lot.

Fun Fact: I love them so much when I was living in Santa Monica for 10 years I volunteered answering phones at the bi-annual fundraising drives. Now that I live in Denver, I still get my daily fix, but I definitely miss the community there.

Nearly everyday I listen to Jason Bentley and Morning Becomes Eclectic and rock out. Literally, dancing in my chair. Yes, people think I am crazy. Maybe I am. Maybe I like it.

This morning Mr. Bentley played the most amazing set. I couldn't resist sharing with you two of my faves! They are both so positive and uplifting. Do we ever not need that?!?!


Enjoy! Happy Friday!

Do you have any current new faves? I'd love to hear a few! Share in the comments.