Hey gang, it's been a minute. But I am here. I've been doing a lot of amazing things the last few months and getting ready to start a few new things as well. I will get into all that good stuff in another post, soon, I promise. But for now, I wanted to share a great tea recipe that I made yesterday inspired by a few things in my life: 1) I started my cycle today and am trying the meLuna cup today for the first time, so far I am loving it! 2) I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the work I had committed to do, and after talking to my amazing business coach (who also happens to be an ayurvedic nutritionist) Claire of Vidya Living, who reminded me that during this time of my cycle, not only is it ok to back off and turn inward, but it's beneficial to me and those around me as well. So, yestreday and today I backed off a little bit, took a bath, spent some time outdoors in my garden, did yoga instead of spin class and took a little more gentle and loving time with myself.
And you know what?!?!
My cramps and general emotional health around my cycle even feels more gentle this time.
And the last thing that inspired my post today was that I ran out of my normal Yogi Women's Moon Cycle tea. I love this stuff! I recommend it to a lot of my clients that struggle with their periods, emotionally and physically and a lot of them have told me how much it has helped them. So instead of running out to the store for more, I decided that since I am an herbalist and I work at an Apothecary with all the wonderful organic herbs I would make my own. So here's what I put in my warming and conforting Moon Ease tea:
2 part Raspberry leaf - great for uterus health, helps regulate menstruation, nourishes the blood with vitamins and minerals
2 part Spearmint leaf - cooling, refreashing and uplifting
2 part Cramp bark - relaxes the uterus muscles, and helps with menstrual cramps
2 part Skullcap - eases menstrual stress
2 part Passionflower - calming and relaxing, and a gentle pain reliever
1 part Chamomile - anti-inflammatory, helps with menstrual cramps as well as calming the nervous system and anxiety
1 part Dong quai - nourishes the blood and cleanses the liver, it also strengthens and nourishes the uterus (some say you should avoid this herb one week before and during menstruation since it can stimulate more blood flow, however, if you need to regulate your cycle it was be wonderful for a short period of time)
1 part Vitex (chaste tree) berries - regulates and normalizes hormone production, supports the luteal phase (part after ovulation before bleeding), PMS, endometriosis, hormonal acne, and restores and balances energy, enhances sexual vitality
1 part Marshmallow root - anti-inflammatory to tissue in the body and moistening
1 part Ginger root - improves circulation in the pelvis, great remedy for easing cramps and helps with healthy digestion
½ part Fennel - eases intestinal pain, bloating and gas
½ part Cinnamon - tones the uterine muscles, stops excessive bleeding, improves circulation and helps with menstrual regulation
¼ part Anise - great for digestive issues and bloating
Simply mix all the herbs together and store in a mason jar. I use a heavy 1 tablespoon per 8 oz cup of water and drink 2-4 cups daily a few days before my cycle and clear to the end of my bleeding. But it's pretty delicious, so drinking it daily all month long is great too!
And if you want more information on your cycle and nutrition I wrote a post a while back on seed cycling for hormone balance here.