Do you experience or struggle with digestive issues like gas, bloating, abdominal pain, inconsistent bowel movements (including diarrhea and/or constipation), or headaches, migraines, skin conditions (including acne, rashes, eczema, dermatitis, and more), mood changes, anxiety, depression, fatigue or joint pain? Then trying an elimination diet might be a great and healing experience for you!
The Elimination Diet is the original and the true “gold standard” way to see if you have any food sensitivities, intolerances or allergies. But what many don’t know it will also lower your inflammation! And built into the ND Elimination Diet Experience (designed by yours truly) is the 5 R’s protocol with gut healing supplements to help rebuild that gut and address any leaky gut going up, build up your immune system, practice mindful eating, learn more about your body and listen to your intuition and feel and look your best. When foods that don’t agree with our bodies are consumed, whether it’s an allergy, sensitivity, inflammation or leaky gut, optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients are compromised. This can cause a weakened immune system, possibly leading to more food intolerances, leaky gut and even worse diseases and cancers.
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