Whether you are traveling on a plane, walking your pups out in the cold weather, not getting enough sunshine or your friends or kids are sneezing in your face, there’s always something getting passed around in winter. I see it in the entries of the grocery store and the aisles of the checkout stands and all my cancelled meeting lately. It’s out there.
In fact, as I write this, I myself just kicked my own brief stint with a cold. Yup, even nutritionist and holistic practitioners aren’t immune (pun intended, hehe)!
But I’ve got some good news! I’v got some tricks and tips, I personally use to stay healthy and also beat that cold or flu! So, rather than having it hang around for 2-4 weeks (or more like I have heard from some) like a lot of my friends and family out there, this is exactly what I do to get quicker faster, so, I was only feeling down a couple of days instead of weeks.
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