My 30 before 30 list
It's taken about a month since my 29th birthday and to get my list of things I'd like to accomplish before I turn 30. But with no further ado, here it is (in no particular order):
- get a dog
- learn calligraphy
- read more
- lose 10 lbs (and keep it off)
- PR in a race
- learn to knit
- take voice lessons
- get my 2nd tattoo
- freelance a job that is fun to design
- get new portfolio up
- learn to basic html/css
- minimize the "stuff" in my life (aka clutter)
- bake more
- make Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon
- journal regularly
- take more pictures
- draw/paint more
- make some jewelry
- strength train 2-3 times a week
- do more yoga
- buy less stuff
- travel somewhere I have not been
- do something nice anonymously
- surf
- charity work
- buy something from Lululemon (I know this is contradictory to number 21, but don't care)
- write more handwritten notes
- be more calm and patient
- mediate more
- wake up and watch the sunrise with someone I love
I realized it had been a while since I posted, and my good friend Lauren and I are going to get tattoos tonight after work. I will share pictures next week. Which made me realize I had this list of 30 before 30 that I never posted. So, with this post, number 8 is nearly scratched off the list :)