
On Saturday the Boyfriend set up a initial training session for us with one of the Personal Trainers in his building. First, let me back up for a second.

I have only once had a personal trainer in my time, and that was two years ago when I was training for the LA Marathon and I wanted to PR so badly I could taste it. Though not my first marathon, the LA Marathon was so painful, I didn't even want to talk about it. Let's just say it all stemmed from my malfunctioning watch. I didn't trust my training and strength and let ended up defeating my own self.

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Tycho & Little Dragon

I have been a long fan of artist Scott Hansen of ISO50. Being a graphic designer myself, his work drew me in originally. Then, I quickly fell in love with his music too. And early last year I saw Tycho  play here in LA. Breathtaking is the only work for it. Now, I know I just did a music post, but he just released this remix (as he's been opening for Little Dragon, another fav). It's so gorgeous, you have to at least take a listen. And if you're a fan like me you can even download it.

Of course he even designs his artwork for his music. Amazing! Right?!?!

iPhone 4S Cases

I recently upgraded my iPhone from my hand-me-down 3GS, to the 4S. Hip Hip Hooray! But that leaves me caseless for the time being and I fear every time I whip it out that I am going to drop this thing of beauty and break it. This one time, I dropped the first generation iPhone from 2 stories down onto concrete... yikes, AND, Yep, my friend who was on the other end was still talking on the phone when I ran down to get it, no joke, she had no clue. But that's neither here nor there. Here are some cases I recently am obsessing between.

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