the 13th of Friday

It's the first Friday the 13th of 2012. Is it's supposed to be a lucky day or frightening? I admit, it started a bit scary for me this morning stepping on the scale for the first time this year... and I did that even BEFORE I even remembered it was Friday the 13th. So, it all makes sense now. Ha!

Anyhow, I am not going to beat myself up about the numbers that I saw. I am just going to make a change. Eating consciously and tracking my calorie intake and exercising at least 6 days a week (thought I really love sweating, it's the eating part that I have the hardest part with).

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Be the 8

I heard a startling statistic from the fun people at RadioLab: 92% of people DON'T keep their resolutions. Whew! That's high. That means in a room of 100 people only 8 of us will keep their resolutions. Sheeesh. So, here's to being the 8! I thought I would share a few of my "intentions" for 2012 with you, in hopes that in sharing them I will hold myself just a little bit more responsible for manifesting them.

Sources: 1. tights, lock; 2. coffee brewer, 4. journal, 5. is all me, yey