I'm Back!

Well HELLOOOO there! Let me preface this with a huge, Iā€™m so sorry. For the small audience that I may still have. Yes, it's been over a year, 16 months to be more exact. And all this despite a 2013 AND 2014 resolution I had to blog more (or at all).

I know. I know.

Needless to say, a LOT has happened since then. I will make this first blog post in 16 months a brief recap of what has happened and why I took a small hiatus from the blog.

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Part 1: Holidays in Japan, Tokyo

Happy 2013! Just 3 days ago I got back from my trip to Japan. And one of my resolutions is to blog at least once a week. My pictures alone will take me through the middle of the year I think! Ha! Hopefully not, for everyone sake.

So here's part one, day 1. It was a long day being that we flew out of LAX at midnight and got in after a 12 hour flight to Tokyo at 5am the following day (missed all of Dec 20th, so bizarre). Then in an attempt to stay awake, we wandered around the city, just soaking it all in. Looking back, we did so much that first day!

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A BIG September Birthday... the 30th!

Hey there again! It's been a busy BUSY few weeks. It started with a crazy labor day. An unexpectedly fun weekend. Oh, let me start with the small fact that I turned 30th, yep, 30, this month, actually on the 12th. So it's official, I am in a totally new decade.

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