Runner/Cyclist vs Car

Runner's World is a great resource of mine. Especially while I am recovering from some knee and heal injuries. Today, I ran across this on their site, and despite it being a cycling graphic, I thought it was great for anyone who out exercising among those in their automobiles. And while I would love to write a commentary on the fight between car and bike, I will restrain myself with only one comment: Person in the car, we are not looking for a fight. You are in a car, we are on a bike. You WILL WIN. And thought that might sound nice at first, it won't be for you, your drivers license or your insurance. Just keep that in mind, next time you want to hit one of us, cyclist or runner.

These are some great ideas and alternatives to my standard "give 'em the ole bird." My personal two favorites are starred. I might actually try the "call me" one, just to see what they do.

What do you do when confronted with a rude driver? Have any other great ideas? Happy Sweating.


the 13th of Friday

It's the first Friday the 13th of 2012. Is it's supposed to be a lucky day or frightening? I admit, it started a bit scary for me this morning stepping on the scale for the first time this year... and I did that even BEFORE I even remembered it was Friday the 13th. So, it all makes sense now. Ha!

Anyhow, I am not going to beat myself up about the numbers that I saw. I am just going to make a change. Eating consciously and tracking my calorie intake and exercising at least 6 days a week (thought I really love sweating, it's the eating part that I have the hardest part with).

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Be the 8

I heard a startling statistic from the fun people at RadioLab: 92% of people DON'T keep their resolutions. Whew! That's high. That means in a room of 100 people only 8 of us will keep their resolutions. Sheeesh. So, here's to being the 8! I thought I would share a few of my "intentions" for 2012 with you, in hopes that in sharing them I will hold myself just a little bit more responsible for manifesting them.

Sources: 1. tights, lock; 2. coffee brewer, 4. journal, 5. is all me, yey


On Saturday the Boyfriend set up a initial training session for us with one of the Personal Trainers in his building. First, let me back up for a second.

I have only once had a personal trainer in my time, and that was two years ago when I was training for the LA Marathon and I wanted to PR so badly I could taste it. Though not my first marathon, the LA Marathon was so painful, I didn't even want to talk about it. Let's just say it all stemmed from my malfunctioning watch. I didn't trust my training and strength and let ended up defeating my own self.

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Run. Inspired.

I have a small, growing obsession of watching marathons and other races. So naturally, I watched the NYC Marathon on Sunday. I have been a little run down (read the boyfriend got me sick) lately, but watching these amazing runners always inspires me. As a  little tribute to them and in hopes of inspiring a few other people to get out there are sweat today.

And Ellie Goulding's, spot for Nike Running.

Now go grab your running shoes and get your sweat on! Happy trails.


My 30 before 30 list

It's taken about a month since my 29th birthday and to get my list of things I'd like to accomplish before I turn 30. But with no further ado, here it is (in no particular order):

  1. get a dog
  2. learn calligraphy
  3.  read more
  4. lose 10 lbs (and keep it off)
  5. PR in a race
  6. learn to knit
  7. take voice lessons
  8. get my 2nd tattoo
  9. freelance a job that is fun to design
  10. get new portfolio up
  11. learn to basic html/css
  12. minimize the "stuff" in my life (aka clutter)
  13. bake more
  14. make Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon
  15. journal regularly
  16. take more pictures
  17. draw/paint more
  18. make some jewelry
  19. strength train 2-3 times a week
  20. do more yoga
  21. buy less stuff
  22. travel somewhere I have not been
  23. do something nice anonymously
  24. surf
  25. charity work
  26. buy something from Lululemon (I know this is contradictory to number 21, but don't care)
  27. write more handwritten notes
  28. be more calm and patient
  29. mediate more
  30. wake up and watch the sunrise with someone I love

I realized it had been a while since I posted, and my good friend Lauren and I are going to get tattoos tonight after work. I will share pictures next week. Which made me realize I had this list of 30 before 30 that I never posted. So, with this post, number 8 is nearly scratched off the list :)